AcquireHubbell HBLC40123TT Cord and Cable Reel | Standard Electric Supply Co.
Brand: Hubbell

Hubbell HBLC40123TT Cord and Cable Reel


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Brand: Hubbell

Hubbell HBLC40123TT Cord and Cable Reel

Brand: Hubbell

Hubbell HBLC40123TT Cord and Cable Reel

Part #:HBLC40123TT

SKU #: 2126478


Key Features

Part #:HBLC40123TT

SKU #: 2126478


Amperage Rating15, 15 A

Conductor Size12, 12 to 3, 12 to 3 AWG

Cord ColorBlack

Cord Length40, 40 ft

Dimensions14.62 in H x 5.26 in D, 5.26 in D x 14.62 in H
